Company News

  • Yaskawa servo drive alarm code A020

    Yaskawa servo drive alarm code A020 is a common issue that can occur in industrial settings where servo drives are used for precision control of machinery and equipment. When this alarm code appears, it indicates a specific fault or error that needs to be addressed promptly to ensure the proper f...
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  • Talking about the working principle of servo drive

    Talking about the working principle of servo drive

    How does the servo drive work: At present, mainstream servo drives use digital signal processors (DSP) as the control core, which can realize relatively complex control algorithms and realize digitization, networking and intelligence. Power devic...
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  • What is the function of the servo motor encoder?

    What is the function of the servo motor encoder?

    The servo motor encoder is a product installed on the servo motor, which is equivalent to a sensor, but many people do not know what its specific function is. Let me explain it to you: What is a servo motor encoder: ...
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