Product News

  • Yaskawa servo drive alarm code A020

    Yaskawa servo drive alarm code A020 is a common issue that can occur in industrial settings where servo drives are used for precision control of machinery and equipment. When this alarm code appears, it indicates a specific fault or error that needs to be addressed promptly to ensure the proper f...
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  • Detailed working principle of inverter

    Detailed working principle of inverter

    With the advancement of modern technology, the emergence of inverters has provided a lot of convenience for everyone's life, so what is an inverter? How does the inverter work? Friends who are interested in this, come and find out together. ...
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  • Differences in the working principles of AC servo motors and DC servo motors

    Differences in the working principles of AC servo motors and DC servo motors

    Working principle of AC servo motor: When the AC servo motor has no control voltage, there is only the pulsating magnetic field generated by the excitation winding in the stator, and the rotor is stationary. When there is a control voltage, a rotating magnetic...
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  • These three control methods of AC servo motor? do you know?

    These three control methods of AC servo motor? do you know?

    What is an AC Servo Motor? I believe everyone knows that the AC servo motor is mainly composed of a stator and a rotor. When there is no control voltage, there is only a pulsating magnetic field generated by the excitation winding in the stator, and the rotor ...
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